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Who are Approved education provider ?

A primary or secondary school, or tertiary education provider that has been approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority or New Zealand’s Ministry of Education to offer certain courses of study.

Which is the most efficient way to make visa application ?

Most online applications are processed within 20 days, and most paper applications within 25 days, but it can take longer in some situations.

What should I do if my documents are not in English ?

If your documents are not in English then you may use following services to translate them English

  • the Translation Service of the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
  • an Embassy or High Commission
  • a private or official translation business.

Translations must be certified and may not be prepared by the person applying for the visa, a member of their family, or an immigration adviser helping with the application.

What is NZFQ ?

The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) is the heart of New Zealand’s education system. All qualifications – both secondary and tertiary – listed on the NZQF come with an assurance of quality that is recognised and trusted worldwide.

The NZQF is divided into 10 levels, and covers a range of qualifications from certificates to doctoral degrees. The levels are based on how complex the learning is, with a level 1 certificate the least complex.

What is Approval in principle of a visa ?

A visa application is approved in principle when New Zealand Department of Immigration recommended your application for approval, but need extra documents like a passport or receipt for tuition fees, to confirm you meet the visa requirements.

An application is not fully approved until they receive all the documents they ask for, and record in their computer system that they have granted you the visa.

What are the acceptable qualification for post-study work visas ?

An acceptable qualification for a post-study work visa is New Zealand qualification listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework that is either:

  • a bachelor’s degree (level 7) or higher qualification that involved a single course in New Zealand of 30 weeks or more
  • a level 4 – 6 qualification that involved a single course in New Zealand of 60 weeks or more
  • two or more level 4 – 6 qualifications that each involved 30 weeks or more of study in New Zealand, where the level of the last qualification is higher than the first
  • a National Certificate (Level 4) or New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) relevant to an occupation on Part B or C of our ‘List of Skilled Occupations’ that involved a single course in New Zealand of 60 weeks or more.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) qualifications and level 4 qualifications that are not a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate aren’t considered acceptable qualifications.

Can my dependent get Work rights ?

Spouses of student on Work Visa can work full time in NZ. However, the dependents of students on visitor visa have no work rights.

Can I bring my dependents while studying in New Zealand ?

In most cases the spouse and dependent children of a student can be granted a visitor visa for the same duration as their partner or parents' stay.